Fashion with Compassion

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LOVE Anyways!


Do you ever just have those days — the days you call “just one of those days”? They are days that you wake up late, your sister steals your shoes you were planning on wearing (this happens way too often), you spill coffee on your shirt, and get caught at every red light on your way to work while already running late. I’m hoping you are all shaking your head in agreement right now and that I’m not the only one who has these “its just one of those days” days.

I find that it happens more than I would like all because of my lack of sleep. Actually, my inability to hear an alarm due to my lack of sleep. But still, same difference. Anyways, I had one of those days not too long ago and let me tell you — I was crank-y. I did not want to let any cars pull out in front of me (pretty normal feeling, right?), I did not feel like being pleasant to the lady taking my order for a coffee (take note, I was wearing my first one), and I did not want to ask every person who walked through the door that day how their day was, ’cause quite frankly, mine was B A D.  // Yes, a little dramatic, I know.

But hold up, lady!!

Who in the world was I to take out all of my anger and frustration on others? How selfish of me? Not only would that just be plain un-Jesus like of me, but are those pathetic reasons to be upset or what? (Did I feel like I was having a bad morning? Yes. Are those feelings absolutely valid? I would say so. But, in the grand scheme of things — and as my mom would say, “Will it matter in ten years?” — it is so so small. And besides me writing about it now, I honestly had already forgotten about it. So no, it really doesn’t matter.) And I’m just gonna go ahead and give a little praise to Jesus for not allowing me to act in all these ways that I wanted to.

So I got over my “B A D” morning almost halfway to work and realized that I didn’t get to allow my feelings and frustrations effect the way that I treated people. One, no one else had anything to do with why I was in such a foul mood, and two, if I allowed myself to act in the way that I felt like acting, no one would have been able to see Jesus shine through me. Which is literally my prayer for my life every single morning.

My day went on, as most days do, and at the end of my day on my way back home from work, I drove in silence and reflected on my day. I thought about all of the people I had talked to that day.

  • The lady who took my order for coffee at Chick-Fil-A and her sweet smile and kind eyes.
  • The lady I work with who was filled with joy.
  • A lady whose daughter is going through a hard time.
  • A family visiting Franklin looking to move.
  • My dear friend who gave me the news of an engagement.
  • And an older man at the grocery store who was excited to see me, ’cause really it had been way too long.

Wow. If I let my mood get the best of me, my day would have been so much different. I’m almost positive the sweet lady in the CFA drive-thru would have given me anything but a smile and I would have stolen some of my co-worker and friend’s joy by being in such a bad mood. I wouldn’t have even thought to stop and listen to the lady whose daughter is struggling and how it is affecting her as a mother, and with that, not have had the chance to pray for her. I wouldn’t have heard the story about why the family was looking to move here (completely following The Lord’s call for their life and something I was really inspired by) because I would have been so caught up in myself. I couldn’t have celebrated with a quick phone call my friend’s engagement and I certainly wouldn’t have made the old man’s day with my presence. What I learned that day and what I am continuously learning every day in new ways, it to love anyways.

Love others despite the fact that you have coffee on your shirt, un-brushed hair, and mismatched socks. Love no matter what you feel like or what kind of mood you are in. Love no matter who it is (friends, strangers, the homeless…) because we are all people created in the image of God. Let your love be genuine and selfless. If nothing else, love because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19)

Have a most LOVED week dear friends!

In His LOVE,

Your Philanthropy Family



You’ve Got the Key to my Heart…

We just picked up a new line that we are VERY excited about.  The line is called The Giving Keys, and it was started by a woman named Caitlin who met a down-on-their luck homeless couple on Hollywood Blvd.  In her own words “After falling in love with their hearts, and how hard they’re working to try and change their lives, I had an ‘Ah-Ha moment’. I realized they were the missing link to The Giving Keys. So I asked them to be my business partners. After all, the whole concept is PAYING IT FORWARD.” And so she has, by starting a company whose entire purpose is to inspire encouragement and kindheartedness in the giver and receiver of her product.

Founder, Caitlin Crosby

The keys themselves are etched and assembled by a population of homeless people in California, and the proceeds go back to them as a way of encouraging better living for the homeless. Each ‘upcycled’ key has been inscribed with a word – some say things like “Love”, “Faith”, “Hope”, others have weightier words like “Fight”, “Strength” or “Miracles”, and each key hangs from differing lengths of vintage chain. The idea is that when you buy a key, you will eventually give it to someone who needs the message on the key.  In turn, the receiver of the key should at some point give it to someone else who needs it, and so on and so forth. When you give (or are given) a key you’re encouraged to go to their website and tell your own Giving Key story. Pretty cool idea, huh?  We think so.

To get your Giving Key, just pop in the store, or give us a call! Our number is 615-794-0074. We would love to ship one to you if you’re not able to make it in.  We want everyone to have (and to give!) a little Giving Key love 🙂

Meet the Designers!

Since we just did a post on their jewelry, we thought it would be fun for you to get to know a little bit about the designers of Angel Court, Angela and Courtney. Here’s a mini interview, and a picture of the sweet ladies. Enjoy!

What is one of your key items this upcoming 2011 Spring/Summer season?

One of our key items for this upcoming Spring/Summer season is pearls, chain of all patinas, and crystals piled high: pile 1 (pl) n. 1. A quantity of objects stacked or thrown together in a heap. Go big or go home!

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

A great deal of our inspiration comes from travel. Travel has been the main educator in both of our lives; our aesthetic has been greatly influenced by our journeys. While our inspiration often comes from our past, our design sense and collections are always contemporary and relevant.

What are some of your favorite trends this season and have you incorporated any of them into your designs?

Some of our favorite trends for this season are tassels. Tassels can signify luxury, and at times the exotic. All while elongating the entire dimension of any design.

What would people be surprised to know about you?

Courtney: “People may be surprised to know that my photographic art has been on a world tour, I have a nursing degree with no intention on practicing anytime soon, and I love a dirty martini!”

Angela: “People may be surprised to know that I have been married for 23 years, I am afraid of the dark, and I like disco music.”

What are three things you can’t live without?

Frye boots, wife beater tee, skinny jeans.

Thank you ladies – we think you’re fabulous! 

Sneak Peek: Angel Court Jewels

Philanthropy is so excited to be bringing back one of our favorite jewelry designers of all time: Angel Court

We are head over heels for their use of relic and found bits of antiques such as chandelier drops, old ship wreckage, antique chains, drawer pulls and vintage jewels.  Just the feel of each piece in your hand tells you that it’s well made, and the weight of it around your neck makes you feel happy to be wearing such a fine bit of jewelry.  Plus, you can be sure that no other person on earth has the same necklace as you, since each one is completely one of a kind.  There’s really nothing else like it, and we can’t wait for you to come see it!

If you have questions, leave us a comment or give us a call at 615-794-0074. As always, we’re happy to ship to you wherever you may live. We have more of the Angel Court collection posted on our Facebook, so don’t forget to check back with us soon!

Here’s a Sneak Peak!


We love being nestled in the heart of Historic Downtown Franklin – we’re just down the street from tons of other amazing boutiques and local restaurants.  Franklin is such an inspiring town because it is bursting with entrepreneurial spirit-everywhere you look you find a thriving, creative, locally owned business.  To keep up interest, sometimes a little competition is just what you need, and five years ago something called The Sizzle Awards was invented for just that reason.  They exist to award and bring notice to local businesses for their hard work and dedication.  This year we’re nominated for FOUR categories: Best Women’s Clothing, Best Men’s Clothing, Best Accesories, and Favorite Retail Merchant in Downtown Franklin. Obviously, we would love to win in all of these categories not only because we enjoy some healthy competition, but because we know that we have the most incredible and supportive customers in the world and we would love to see your feelings in action!  Here’s a link: It only takes a few moments to vote, and it would mean the world to us! If you vote for us, let us know on our Facebook or Twitter! Happy voting, everyone!

Big and Chunky/Small and Lovely

We all have our preferences when it comes to jewelry.  Some of us prefer the tiny and delicate necklaces, while others like the large and fabulous pieces.  Since we just got some awesome new jewelry shipments in, we thought this would a good time to highlight a few of our favorites.

Small & Lovely

Big & Chunky

What’s your style?

Arm Candy

We are totally in love with the new generation of Lenny & Eva charms and sentiments.  They’re made to withstand a lot more wear and tear, and we think they have a more “classic” feel to them – plus, now they come in burnished silver too!  Lenny & Eva is made by a very talented local designer, and it’s always awesome to support local.

This is just a little sneak peek of the new lovelies, you’ll have to come in and visit us to see the rest 😉

…Are you in love yet?

The Year in Review

Wow-2010 was such an incredible year!  It was full of change (including a new baby, and a new staff!) and plenty of growth.  It’s encouraging to look back and see how God has used all of you-our sweet customers-in amazing ways, so we thought we would share our year-end giving with you so you can see just how much good you are doing.

We raised a grand total of $51,708.38 for our charities this year, and we couldn’t have done it without your continued support.  Some of the organizations we allocated the donations to include (but are not limited to):
The Hands and Feet Project in Haiti
Sudan Evangelical Alliance Partners
Village of Hope Uganda
The Salvation Army
Hard Bargain Mount Hope
Against the Grain

We have hope and faith that 2011 will be our best year so far, and we cannot wait to see what God has in store!


The Philanthropy Girls

Give Love

It’s that time of year again-hot cocoa, spiced cider, pumpkin pie, presents under the tree, sparkly lights and lots of good cheer…Christmas!  It’s easy to get swept away in giving to our family and loved ones, but it’s important to remember that there are those out there with so much less than we have.  It doesn’t take very much time or even very much money to make a huge difference in these kid’s lives.

The staff at Philanthropy has been having a lot of fun choosing kids from Angel Tree to “adopt” and get gifts for.  There are many, many families in need this year.  Please take a moment and think about the impact you could make.  It doesn’t matter whether you’re able to give a little or a lot.  Every bit helps.

Here are some resources:

Compassion International Give a little: a chicken.  Give a lot: a kitchen!
Angel TreeChoose just one thing, or everything on their wish list.
Nashville Rescue MissionGive a little: granola bars and socks. Give a lot: cameras and perfume.
Operation Christmas ChildPack a shoe box full of Christmas goodies to send to kids over-seas.
St. Jude Children’s Hospital100% of all proceeds benefit St. Jude’s patients and researchers.
Heifer InternationalGive goats, sheep, rabbits…even honeybees to help provide food and resources for different communities in poverty stricken countries.

Let us know what you’re doing this Christmas to share the love!

WeWood…Would You?

Check out these rad watches we got in the other day!  They’re made completely of organic wood-the only part of the watch that isn’t wood is the face and the latch on the back.  Each one is hypoallergenic and toxin free.  That’s all pretty neat, but want to know the coolest part? For every watch purchased, a tree is planted! They also come with a 1 year warranty, and they look great on both men and women. We have them in three different types of wood- The reddish watch is Red Wing Celtis, the golden colored watch is Maple and the watch with a slight green tint is Guaiaco.

Keep in mind that we’re able to ship anywhere and it’s super easy to order! Just give us a call at 615-764-0074 and we’ll happily assist you with the rest of the ordering process!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have so many things to be thankful for here are Philanthropy, but what are we most thankful for this year? All of YOU, our wonderful customers!!  We couldn’t ask for more dedicated, loyal, giving customers.  We are truly grateful. Thank you for helping make our business and mission so abundantly blessed!

…to see a few more things we’re thankful for, check out our Facebook Page.

What have you been blessed with this year??

Jedidiah + Invisible Children

A few days ago we received a shipment of T-Shirts from Jedidiah and were excited to see that they’re supporting Invisible Children this season. Invisible Children is an orginization that “uses film, creativity, and social action to end the use of child soldiers in Joseph Kony’s rebel war and restore Northern Uganda to peace and prosperity”.  In other words, they make films documenting the life of children affected by the war in Africa for the purpose of educating people in other parts of the world to inspire them to take action. For every T-shirt you buy, $10 goes directly to support Invisible Children.  We think that’s a pretty awesome way to give this holiday season.

Here are a few of our favorites:

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Our New Blog Home!

Welcome to our new blog! There have been some exciting changes around these parts lately, and we’re looking forward to telling you all about it in the coming days, but for now we wanted to let you know that we’ve switched blog homes.  Goodbye Blogspot, hello WordPress! Let us know what you think.

This Fall at Philanthropy. . .

Hello Philanthropy friends!

We are so excited to be entering fall after this long, hot summer here in Nashville! We are stock full of all the fall fashions you crave! This summer has been jam-packed! Thank you to all of our loyal customers (and visitors) for visiting us here at Philanthropy and sharing your stories with us. We are looking forward this upcoming season to see what God brings our way.

Make sure to check out our foundation, “Voices of Hope” ( for updated information on our current campaigns!

Social Media guru? Check us out!
TWITTER: @PhilanthropyTWT

June Update. . .

Hello Philanthropy friends and supporters!

We recently celebrated Philanthropy’s 3rd BIRTHDAY! We want to thank you our loyal customers for helping us give a voice to the voiceless here locally and around the globe these last three years! We are blessed to be apart of such an amazing community and look forward to the years ahead! We are reminded of Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Thank you for being an active partner with us! We are truly blessed.

Here is a glimpse into a few of our summer campaigns:


The waters have receded, but the need continues to grow. . .Our newest “Wearable Compassion” t-shirt, benefitting Franklin flood relief is now available! All profits go to Williamson County flood victims. Men and women styles available.


Our newest Haiti relief shirt, BONDYE BON: God is Good is now available! All profits go to the Hands & Feet Project, a children’s village in Jacmel, Haiti. We are raising funds to assist with the 2010 earthquake rebuild.


As we continue to partner with our Southern Sudan Project, we have created a BRAND NEW campaign t-shirt: UBUNTU (I Am Beacause You Are). We are currently raising funds to begin a five=part “restoration” project in Biong, Sudan.

Rain or Shine, We Love Franklin!

As most of us know, Middle Tennessee saw historic flooding last week. Philanthropy and several other downtown Franklin businesses saw some flooding in store. We received several feet of water in our basement. Luckily, with the help of the Heritage Foundation, we were able to open our store last Wednesday, and even though we had some loss most of our inventory is kept upstairs. Many residents in our community have lost so much more- their homes, possessions, vehicles… everything. We’ve heard some sad stories this week… and yet we’ve been struck by the selflessness these victims have. One family who suffered through the flood AND a house fire were housing and caring for neighbors in their parents home. Wow! Franklin is TRUELY a beautiful community, full of loving, helping hearts. We are reminded of this everyday when our locals grace the store, shopping at Philanthropy so that they can make a difference both globally and locally.

We are excited to announce our Franklin Flood Relief Campaign. We are in the process of having shirts designed and printed up, and 100% of the profits will go right back in to the community, helping flood victims. Please add us on Facebook to receive updates on the shirt, as well as this new campaign.

Thank you for shopping and giving back- so many of our customers have told us they make a point to shop in downtown Franklin to support small business. What a blessing you are!

Get ready Mainstreet Festival… Here we come!

The past few weeks have been full of Mainstreet Festival preparations. We’ve gotten in tons of Philanthropy favorites… including Poo Poo Paper, Skoy Clothes, Paper Bead Necklaces and Bracelets, new Historic Franklin shirts (on Turquoise V-Necks), and lots and lots of spring clothes! Our beautiful, handmade scarves are back in… remember them from November? They are detailed with handmade lace and come in soft spring colors.

We will have a tent on the street that will feature store favorites, and also a NEW Wearable Compassion design, benefitting our Biong Project in Sudan. Come check it out!

Our stores hours for this weekend will be 10-6 on Saturday and 12-4 on Sunday.

We’d like to say a short word to all of you who continually support us… You can’t possibly know the great work you have accomplished in God’s name by your patronage. As we approach our third birthday, your generosity and beautiful spirits overwhelm us. This has always been a store for God … and through Him we have come to meet some incredible people. Thank you!


Dear Philanthropy Friends,
The above photographed bracelet was stolen from our shop on Friday March 26th. If anyone has seen this (it’s a one of a kind combo) please let us know.

Friends don’t let friends steal!

Spring Happenings

We can hardly believe it’s already spring. Christopher can’t wait to get out to do our store planters, and we are anxiously awaiting Ms. Willow’s 3 month old mark! As we look forward to upcoming events like the Main Street Festival, we are preparing to get TONS of new items in the store. Some fun things to look for: a fun new vintage jewelry line, new designs from the infamous Poo Poo Paper products, and lots of beautiful handmade scarves!

2010 has already been a landmark year for the store. This year we are making a huge commitment to the village we sponsor in Biong, Sudan! We feel that this is truly the direction God has led us in (and it’s only taken us 3 years to get here, haha). Working with Rosemary, of SEA Partners, and Gui, a Lost Boy from Biong, a trip was taken in January to scout out land to purchase to build a school on. We are planning a new t-shirt campaign to support this cause. Stay tuned in, or stop in the store, for more details on our progress with Biong.

Have a blessed day!

Thank you to the Cox Family for their wonderful donation to Voices of Hope for Haiti. We are so blessed to meet people like you each and every day.


Saturday, December 19th CYBER SHOUT OUT….30% off All Candles, 40% off All Apparel and 50% off All Christmas Decor. Come See Us.


Friday, December 18th CYBER SHOUT OUT….30% Off Belts and Hats, 40% Off all Apparel, and 50% off All Christmas Decor. Christmas is one week away.


Thursday, December 17th CYBER SHOUT OUT….30% Off All Bath and Body Products, 40% Off all Apparel, and 50% off All Christmas Decor. 8 more shopping days till Christmas.


Wednesday, December 16th CYBER SHOUT OUT….30% off All Home Decor, 40% off all Apparel, and 50% off All Christmas Decor. See ya Wednesday.