Fashion with Compassion

Posts tagged “Fun

Arm Candy

We are totally in love with the new generation of Lenny & Eva charms and sentiments.  They’re made to withstand a lot more wear and tear, and we think they have a more “classic” feel to them – plus, now they come in burnished silver too!  Lenny & Eva is made by a very talented local designer, and it’s always awesome to support local.

This is just a little sneak peek of the new lovelies, you’ll have to come in and visit us to see the rest 😉

…Are you in love yet?

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have so many things to be thankful for here are Philanthropy, but what are we most thankful for this year? All of YOU, our wonderful customers!!  We couldn’t ask for more dedicated, loyal, giving customers.  We are truly grateful. Thank you for helping make our business and mission so abundantly blessed!

…to see a few more things we’re thankful for, check out our Facebook Page.

What have you been blessed with this year??