Fashion with Compassion

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LOVE Anyways!


Do you ever just have those days — the days you call “just one of those days”? They are days that you wake up late, your sister steals your shoes you were planning on wearing (this happens way too often), you spill coffee on your shirt, and get caught at every red light on your way to work while already running late. I’m hoping you are all shaking your head in agreement right now and that I’m not the only one who has these “its just one of those days” days.

I find that it happens more than I would like all because of my lack of sleep. Actually, my inability to hear an alarm due to my lack of sleep. But still, same difference. Anyways, I had one of those days not too long ago and let me tell you — I was crank-y. I did not want to let any cars pull out in front of me (pretty normal feeling, right?), I did not feel like being pleasant to the lady taking my order for a coffee (take note, I was wearing my first one), and I did not want to ask every person who walked through the door that day how their day was, ’cause quite frankly, mine was B A D.  // Yes, a little dramatic, I know.

But hold up, lady!!

Who in the world was I to take out all of my anger and frustration on others? How selfish of me? Not only would that just be plain un-Jesus like of me, but are those pathetic reasons to be upset or what? (Did I feel like I was having a bad morning? Yes. Are those feelings absolutely valid? I would say so. But, in the grand scheme of things — and as my mom would say, “Will it matter in ten years?” — it is so so small. And besides me writing about it now, I honestly had already forgotten about it. So no, it really doesn’t matter.) And I’m just gonna go ahead and give a little praise to Jesus for not allowing me to act in all these ways that I wanted to.

So I got over my “B A D” morning almost halfway to work and realized that I didn’t get to allow my feelings and frustrations effect the way that I treated people. One, no one else had anything to do with why I was in such a foul mood, and two, if I allowed myself to act in the way that I felt like acting, no one would have been able to see Jesus shine through me. Which is literally my prayer for my life every single morning.

My day went on, as most days do, and at the end of my day on my way back home from work, I drove in silence and reflected on my day. I thought about all of the people I had talked to that day.

  • The lady who took my order for coffee at Chick-Fil-A and her sweet smile and kind eyes.
  • The lady I work with who was filled with joy.
  • A lady whose daughter is going through a hard time.
  • A family visiting Franklin looking to move.
  • My dear friend who gave me the news of an engagement.
  • And an older man at the grocery store who was excited to see me, ’cause really it had been way too long.

Wow. If I let my mood get the best of me, my day would have been so much different. I’m almost positive the sweet lady in the CFA drive-thru would have given me anything but a smile and I would have stolen some of my co-worker and friend’s joy by being in such a bad mood. I wouldn’t have even thought to stop and listen to the lady whose daughter is struggling and how it is affecting her as a mother, and with that, not have had the chance to pray for her. I wouldn’t have heard the story about why the family was looking to move here (completely following The Lord’s call for their life and something I was really inspired by) because I would have been so caught up in myself. I couldn’t have celebrated with a quick phone call my friend’s engagement and I certainly wouldn’t have made the old man’s day with my presence. What I learned that day and what I am continuously learning every day in new ways, it to love anyways.

Love others despite the fact that you have coffee on your shirt, un-brushed hair, and mismatched socks. Love no matter what you feel like or what kind of mood you are in. Love no matter who it is (friends, strangers, the homeless…) because we are all people created in the image of God. Let your love be genuine and selfless. If nothing else, love because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19)

Have a most LOVED week dear friends!

In His LOVE,

Your Philanthropy Family